Individuals. | Businesses. | Sponsors. 

If you have money questions, regarding IMU, you've come to the right page.

Write your awesome label here.

You got 99 problems, but paying IMU ain't one.

Listen, our women come from all walks of life. “And ain’t nobody got time” for your badassery to be stifled, diminished or denied because of money. 

At the same time, our team can’t be out here hungry and cold, right? Otherwise, how are we going to pour into you? We can’t inspire you when we’re in “these streets” mad and struggling...because the wealth gap is too real.

That’s why we put a lot of thought into “ways to pay.” We wanted to offer a win-win solution. And here it is... You have these options: pay up front, pay in installments, choose a subscription plan, receive a scholarship, or choose a series at no additional cost to you.

Thanks to our generous sponsors, you have a seat at this table!

But also, your sisters have created a space for you. For every 10 classes that are paid in full, we’re able to create a scholarship for that course.

You’re covered because, after all, sometimes it’s not our dollars that we bring to the table. Instead, it’s our encouragement, support, energy, fire, compassion…love. And just like you, those things matter.

So come get this IMU experience, Sis! With money out of the way, there’s nothing between us but “space and opportunity.” And this is the space that helps you create all kinds of opportunities.

Our sponsors come through...

 If you are looking to learn more about the impact of our sponsors or you're looking to become a sponsor, please scroll down to the Sponsor's Hub.

We bend so that IMU women don't break.

What if you found yourself in a world that offers flexible payment options…

  • Pay in full
  • Payment plans
  • Monthly subscriptions (COMING IN 2024!)
  • Scholarships (partial or full)
  • Programming at no additional cost to you (limited offerings)
  • Register later

The one to bet on...

Harmony wholeheartedly believes in being the hero in her own story. She is proactive, passionate about growing and is looking for an engaging learning experience that can transform her life.

Throughout the years, she has followed all kinds of “gurus” from a distance, mainly because cost was a barrier to getting up close. At some points in her life, quite frankly, she just couldn’t afford to take their classes or sign up for their coaching sessions. Each time she encountered this issue, she walked away thinking, “Well, that loss is as much of theirs as it is mine, because I’m just the kind of ‘student’ they're looking for.”

At other points in her life, she could afford to cover the cost of those opportunities; she just couldn’t pay it all at once. These moments bummed her out even more. They always made her feel like she had “arrived” but just not soon enough.

And now, she is at a point where she can cover the full cost —  up front. While she is proud to be able to make this investment in her growth and development, she can’t help but wonder where she would be now if cost hadn’t been a barrier in the past.
If you are looking to be the hero in your story, consider taking one of our courses. If cost is a barrier, register for a course, and when you get to the checkout, choose an installment plan or a pay later option. 
Write your awesome label here.
Quiet as Kept

We are the village...

Sisterhood is one of the most powerful networks we can have. Raising children requires a significant amount of resources, including time and energy.

No one should have to choose between providing for their families and taking advantage of development opportunities that makes that possible--nor should they have to sacrifice their opportunities for growth and development.

The juggling motherhood with professional pursuits and personal exploration can make you feel vulnerable and exposed. But in the company of your sisters, vulnerability can turn into strength. Let it. 

Check out our courses...

And decide if you will pay today, pay installments or pay monthly (COMING IN 2023!). 

Come Get This Scholarship, Sis!

Your seat is waiting.

This table is incomplete without you!

"What we not going to do" is act like anything different.

You bring so much to any room you enter. And while you may not have the dollars to invest right now, not being in the room with your sisters does everyone a disservice--and we all know that to be true.

So go ahead and request a scholarship. Our application is quick and easy...that's because we're only a little nosey :). While we will never share you name, your responses will us create more scholarships for future women with our sponsors and assist us with improving our programming.

Just remember, space is limited, so please, make your request early.

Sponsor's Hub

Welcome to the sponsor's hub! Here, you will hear about our current sponsors who support our work at or above a certain level. You will also see learn about the issues we are working to solve through our programming, our impact and goals, as well as ways you can become a sponsor. 
Write your awesome label here.


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Welcome to the Sponsor's Hub. We have some things we want to share with you.
Write your awesome label here.

American Family Institute for Corporate and Social Impact

The Institute has been instrumental in a lot of the good work happing in Infamous Mothers 3.0, especially in making it possible for us to offer mini grants to entrepreneurs.
Write your awesome label here.

UW Health Foundation

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While UW Health has contributed to both of our health and wellness initiatives, we are excited to share the news about Bad Girl Fit.
Write your awesome label here.

CUNA Mutual Group Foundation

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We wanted to build a customized wealth curriculum that spoke specifically to our niche market, and the CUNA Mutual Group Foundation helped make that possible. 

Thank You!

Our stats within 3 Years...


Full/partial scholarships


Bad Girl Fit Members




Funding to entrepreneurs


Dollars in contracts with women and BIPOC entrepreneurs


Complimentary journals and technology 
Sponsorship Assists with Removing Barriers & Transforming EcosystemS

Sole Proprietor to Employer

Moving sole proprietors to employers can help create 600,000 new jobs and add $33 billion in revenue back to the economy

Lessen Trust Gap

Closing the trust gap between BIPOC women and financial institutions can increase their access to capital for their businessess and home ownership opportunities

Lessen Technology Gap

Gaining more skills and comfort with technology makes it possible for women entrepreneurs to revolutionize their processes and generate more dollars

Lessen Health Gap

Creating systems and spaces that emphasize communal wellness helps to close the mental and physical health gaps that entrepreneurs and black women face at disproportionately higher rates

Ways You Can Become a Sponsor...

At our school we make online learning easy. Our only concern is your education. Build your future right here.

Sponsor your staff

Bring our programming to your company or cover "tuition" for your team members. Your staff will thank you for development opportunities.

Sponsor your clients

Connect your clients with programming that align with your mission but may be outside of your organization's offerings. Partner with us, and don't miss a beat. 

Sponsor an event or series

Put dollars behind one of our events. In exchange we'll market your logo and company at the event, either deepening your connection to our community or making an introduction.

Sponsor individuals

You don't have to a company or organization to become a sponsor. Be an individual who sponsors individuals and reap the benefits.

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